Damiana Tea or Herb: Effects & Experiences

In the smartshop you can find an enormous amount of widely used herbs. Damiana is one of them. The herb of the Turnera diffusa has a variety of effects. The relaxing high it gives you, for example, is wonderful in combination with weed. The sexually stimulating effect is also great in the bedroom. Want to know more? Read all about smoking damiana or drinking tea and read more about experiences with damiana. 

buy damiana

What is Damiana?

Damiana is made from dried leaves of the Turnera diffusa. The plant Damiana or Turnera diffusa is a plant that is native to the Southwest of Texas, Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean.The plant has small aromatic flowers with a smell that resembles figs. The plant has different effects, including an aphrodisiac effect. The powder of the leaves of the plant can be smoked or be drunk as a tea. The leave or extract also provides an euphoric high.Damiana was already used by the Aztecs and Mayans. The Aztecs believed that as a medicine it could treat men's impotence. The Mayans were especially pleased with the high the herb gave them.

Damiana Action & Effects

Damiana is widely sold in smartshops. The herb has a relaxing effect that is slightly similar to the effect of weed. The mild high can last for about an hour. If you smoke the herb or drink it through tea you can experience a more intense blood flow in the lower body. For women, it can provide relief from menstrual cramps. Another commonly heard effect of damiana? It is said to work as an aphrodisiac, meaning that it is sexually stimulating. By the way, the addiction risk is zero [1].

If the effect of normal damiana leaves is too mild for you, you can also go for an extract. Both the relaxing and the libido enhancing effects are more powerful and more intense. From a damiana extract you can make tea or use the powder directly orally.

smoke damiana

Used for Different Purposes

You will hear it more often with herbs from the smartshop. They are used for all sorts of purposes. With the diverse effects of damiana, this is not surprising. Let's see what the extract from the Turnera diffusa is used for.

Damiana as Aphrodisiac

Damiana is also used as aphrodisiac. It stimulates and brings oxygen to the genital area. It heightens the energy level that recover the libido and desire. In woman it recovers the possibility to reach an orgasm. It can also improve the sexual fitness and performance on the long term. The chemical composition of Damiana is a complex whole and not all components are completely identified. It is known it contains the following ingredients:

  • flavonoids
  • gonzalitosin
  • Essential oils (with cineol, cymol, pinene)
  • arbutin

Why Damiana works as an aphrodisiac is unknown. Aphrodisiacs can influence the sexual functions in different ways; it can have an effect on the sex drive, potency or sexual pleasure. You can best try it yourself, the damiana experiences are different for everyone but never without pleasure.

Combined with weed

As previously mentioned, the relaxing effect of damiana is comparable to that of weed. This is why the herb does very well in combination with weed. It is often used by smokers and blowers. Smoking damiana produces a light high that feels mostly relaxing. Some people prefer to mix their weed with damiana than with tobacco. Damiana is therefore one of the most common ingredients in tobacco substitutes. But a cup of damiana tea next to a good joint can also work wonders. Smoking is not necessary to combine the herb with weed.

Euphoria and Relaxation

Damiana tea works incredibly well when you want to relax or improve your state of mind. For example, did you have a stressful day? Or lost a grueling sports match that has left you feeling a tad grumpy? Then damiana is an excellent idea. Drink a cup of tea and you'll be right back on track. You'll feel happy, chill and relaxed. Damiana tea is often consumed before bedtime.

Herbal Medicine

Damiana is also used in herbal medicine. As we said earlier, it can relieve menstrual cramps in women. In addition, it is sometimes used for urinary tract infections and for the elderly who suffer from incontinence. There would also be evidence that damiana can reduce stress and anxiety. This has been shown in scientific studies [2].

damiana herb tea

Damiana Tea

Smoking Damiana or drinking tea

So you can use the herb in a variety of ways. Smoking is possible, a cup of damiana tea is made in no time and nowadays you can also buy damiana capsules for extra convenience. The advantage of capsules is that you do not taste the herb. It has a slightly sweet and slightly bitter flavour. Not everyone likes that. In that case capsules are an excellent alternative.

Make Damiana Tea

Want to make damiana tea? Buy chopped up damiana herbs and add 1 to 2 teaspoons to about 300 ml of boiling water. Let infuse for 10 to 15 minutes and the tea is ready!

For a larger amount, take 10 to 15 grams of damiana herb. Add it to a liter of water and let it boil gently for 5 minutes. Then strain it, let it cool down and you're done!

For each damiana extract, the dosage for making tea is different. Read the product description carefully for the right quantity.

Damiana Experiences & Side Effects

Experiences with damiana vary because it is used for different purposes. If we look at the sexually stimulating effect, the experiences are generally positive. If you have to believe the internet, it can work wonders in the bedroom. In forums you can read that women can reach orgasm faster and the lovemaking usually lasts longer. In other damiana experiences you can read that people don't notice much of damiana as an aphrodisiac. However, these people do praise the relaxing effect.

Many people who use the herb do this in combination with weed. In this regard, damiana experiences are actually always positive. Unlike many other herbs, it is not unpleasant to smoke. Damiana tea combined with weed or hash appears to be very tasty and people are increasingly using it as a replacement for nicotine-containing, addictive tobacco.

Little is known about the side effects of damiana. When smoked, it can be harmful to the lungs just like any other smoke. The herb is not toxic other than that. Some websites do recommend drinking no more than 3 cups of damiana tea per day. Excessive consumption can have negative effects on the liver. So take in moderation!

Want to discover more herbs from the smartshop? Such as, for example, kratom, kanna, morning glory, passion flower and cola nut? Then read our blog “Herbs from our Smartshop - Naturally High, Relaxed or Happy” and discover more miracles from nature.


[1] W. Beltman, A.J.H.P. van Riel, A.P.G. WijnandsKleukers, M.F. Vriesman, I.S. van den HengelKoot, I. de Vries, J. Meulenbelt. “Smartshop: Overzicht van producten, geclaimde werking en hun medisch-toxicologische relevantie”. March 1999.

[2]: Jellinek. “Wat is Damiana?”. January 2021.