Pipe Accessories

Do you in need any meshes, screens, gauzes or filters for your marijuana pipe? Need Bong Cleaner? Out of Pipe Cleaners? This maintenance category not only contains accessories for your pipe, but also cleaning solutions and brushes, so you can clean hash or weed residues easily and hygienically.

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Smokebuddy Original | Air Filter for Smoking Weed (Smokebuddy)

Starting at 22,95

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Bong & Pipe Cleaner Bio (Black Leaf) 100 ml
Dabbing Nail Titanium T2 (Black Leaf) Universal
Screens / Gauzes Fine Meshed Steel 20 mm
Activated Carbon Filters Regular 8 x 35 mm (actiTube) New!

Starting at 1,95

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Weed Pipe Screens / Filters 12 mm (Black Leaf) 3 pieces
Bong Bowl | Active Charcoal Adapter (actiTube)

Starting at 16,95

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Activated Carbon Filters | Slim 7 x 27 mm (actiTube) Top Quality

Starting at 1,95

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Bong & Pipe Cleaner Bio (LimPuro) 250 ml
Pipe Cleaners / Brushes (Black Leaf) 44 pieces
Screens / Gauzes Steel 15,0 mm
Pipe Cleaner / Bong Brush 245 mm
Pipe Cleaner / Bong Brush 330 mm
Dabber Titanium T2 (Black Leaf)
Pipe Cleaner / Metal Bong Brush 95 mm
Double Barrel Joint Holder | Cigarette Holder (RAW) 1¼
Trident Joint Holder | Cigarette Holder (RAW)
Shisha Tong | Coal Tong
Glass Bong Bowl | Crocodile 18,8 mm
Pipe Cleaner / Brush Bong 210 mm

Every smoker loves smoking a weed pipe, bong, shisha, vaporizer or water pipe, but pipes also need maintenance. Replace Screens? Need to clean your bong? Need Pipe Cleaners, Gauzes or Filters? Use the pipe accessories from the Dutch-Headshop!

Function of Pipe Accessories

Pipe Cleaners and other accessories are suitable for multiple products. They are useful for marijuana pipes and water pipes, but suitable for vaporizers or evaporators as well. Pipe accessories can serve as a tool during smoking a pipe, bong ore shisha. Also easy for maintaining a pipe or vaporizer. There are so many different products, all with their own features.

Pipe Cleaner, Screens & More

Enough products are available to make smoking a marijuana pipe or water pipe a lot more pleasant. Think of screens, brushes and cleaners.

A screen or gauze is actually not an indispensable part of a marijuana pipe or water pipe. A screen should be placed in the pipe's bowl. Screens ensure no ashes or crumbs of herbs enter your mouth and vapors are better filtered as well. Screens come in six different sizes, three of which have a fine-meshed grid.

You can use a pipe cleaner brushes for cleaning the bowl. After smoking a marijuana pipe, often ashes and residues remain in the bowl, so the pipe needs to be cleaned for its next use. Cleaning is very important for the taste and durability of the pipe. The pipe cleaners have a small size. This makes it easy to brush the smoke attributes on the inside. We also have big Bong Brushes ore Big Pipe Cleaners for the big jobs.

Pipe cleaners have the same function as brushes. With Dutch Headshop's pipe accessories you ensure you can optimally enjoy your marijuana pipe or water pipe. Order them online right away.