You might not believe it, but at Dutch-Headshop, definitely not everyone is a psychonaut. Most of them have never even experienced a psychedelic trip. But there are (former) colleagues and people we work with who can tell a wonderful story. Our editors speak with these otherwise very ordinary people for a summary of their psychedelic drug experiences. These are some trip reports from Dutch-Headshop on magic mushrooms, truffles, LSD and more.
Please note that none of the following trip reports should be a reason to try it yourself. Especially in the case of drugs that are illegal we can only advise you not to do it because of the risks involved. After all, you can't be sure of what you are putting in your body. That being said, we also know that it still happens. Sometimes people come back from a trip with bizarre stories. There we go.
Dancing crosswords | 7.5 grams of magic truffles atlantis (fresh)
Tell us about the course of the trip
I really wanted to try the effects of Magic Truffels. I was at home and my girlfriend was away. So I was home alone. I thought it would be a good time to try it. A little uncertain about the dosage, I thought half a bag would be fine. Also afraid of the possible gross flavour, I figured a bowl of Hamka's chips would be a great way to get them down. I started with a puzzle book, but within an hour the logic of the puzzles was lost. I didn't understand why I was doing this and, in particular, the word searches and crosswords started dancing on the paper. I also listened to some music. Voyage 34 by Porcupine Tree, which musically recounts an LSD trip. But because the bad trip is also dealt with in that song, I soon got a fear that I too would have a bad experience. Then I had to go to the bathroom, at the climax of the trip. With weak legs, I walked down the hall that seemed infinitely longer than it really was.
How would you describe the trip overall?
The whole trip was pretty light and the uncertainty made it a bit frightening. The best moment was when my heart rhythm synchronized with the same time as the music. Short, but it did catch my attention. At the same time weird that you can be so aware of an unconscious body process. I wanted to tell everyone about my experience, but had the idea that nobody wanted to know or that I would be judged for it.
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
Yes, but definitely not right away. It also took me years to try again in a different setting.
Did you learn something from the trip?
Especially that this was something to be treated with respect. Trying without purpose is like walking in the woods without paths, map or navigation. So getting lost is easy.
Connecting with your head on wet grass | 2 x 3.5 grams Thai magic mushrooms (dried)
A few beers before and during the first dose. Weed after the peak of the trip in a nature reserve.
Tell us about the course of the trip
The plan was to go to a nature reserve with nice weather and have a recreational evening trip. The three of us started the evening in a dark living room with a giant TV. The living room was unfamiliar to me and a friend. This kind of setting is always a little strange during a trip. The walls were pretty plain and it was one big room. We started tripping around 12 or 1 in the morning. We had drunk a few beers before that. We all felt good and were really looking forward to it. We knew from experience how much we should take. Still, we always take a look at the dosage calculator. Especially for 1 of my friends who is a bit heavier than me and my other friend.
When the first trip started, it was very intense. Actually all focus went to the very large TV we were sitting close to. The visuals and images of The Midnight Gospel would get so intense at times that you would have to look away for a moment. The colours were very overwhelming in that dark room. Actually, the whole room seemed like the TV because of all the colours.
Around 05.00 in the morning, just after the second dose, we went to the nearby nature reserve with forest paths, grass fields and a large lake. We were a bit nervous. You meet 'normal' people there while you're heavily intoxicated. For the trip we brought enough drinks, a powerbank and a sweater in case we would get cold. Oh, and some weed to smoke. When the second trip came on (when we had just arrived after a short hike) it was beautiful. Of course, we were still a little bit caught up in the previous trip. But outside it was a completely different experience. We seemed to be one with nature and the world. You don't hear the birds whistling like normal, you can literally hear them singing. The grass and the trees seem to be calling you.
How would you describe the trip overall?
Very fun and yet also a bit spiritual. That was because normally we always tripped indoors in a living room. Now, on a sunny summer morning, the spirituality in you awakens naturally. It was also very funny with the three of us. Lots of laughter, fun, but also incredibly beautiful in nature. After sitting on a dock with our feet in the water at sunrise and the mosquitoes practically eating us, we lay down in the damp grass. We didn't have a chair, towel or anything with us. At one point, we lay flat with our heads on the grass and I kind of dozed off. The back of my head on the dirt and wet grass. When I closed my eyes I saw an image where it seemed I was connected to the whole nature reserve. Through the back of my head there seemed to be thousands of little tentacles going to all corners of the field. I felt the grass, the trees and the soil life. It lasted about a minute. I have never experienced anything like it before. I actually wanted to enjoy it longer but it scared me a bit myself and I got up. My friends laughed a lot and wondered what the hell I was doing. I laid back down to experience it again, but it didn't work.
I felt very "rested" the next day. Normally I do after a chill trip with few people, but now even more so. It reminded me of a trip in a house in Zandvoort, on the boulevard overlooking the sea. After that trip I also felt extremely relaxed and a bit reborn. Just like I did now.
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
Absolutely! We tripped outdoors two more times after this and we really like it. You just don't want to run into people (in my opinion).
Did you learn anything from the trip?
That going outdoors is next level and one of the most fun things to do during a trip.
>> Grow Thai mushrooms yourself? Buy your own magic mushroom grow kit here!
An emotional rollercoaster | 1.5 stamp of LSD (strength unknown)
Couple of beers. At the end of the trip some hash.
Tell us about the course of the trip
Together with two friends, with whom I trip often, we wanted to try LSD for the first time. It was at my and my roommate's (who also participated) home. A large living room, with beautiful light coming in in the morning. That felt very familiar. Plants, blankets; cozy. We did eat well, but then let it sink in for 3 to 4 hours. We didn't drink much alcohol. Only a couple of beers. But we didn't want to start this unfamiliar trip tipsy or drunk. Also, we had asked a friend to be our tripsitter. He was sober all night and came by car. Furthermore, we got the LSD from a friend of ours who had done it more often and had a reliable contact. He said that 1.5 seals was a good dosage. We trusted him on that.
The TV was on and we listened to a lot of music. We started at the end of the evening and it lasted until late in the morning. It took an extraordinarily long time for us to start tripping. At least 1 hour we didn't feel anything at all. Only after 1.5 hours we noticed that it really started. But only after 2.5 / 3 hours we were really tripping. In terms of visuals it took a very long time. It was a bit comparable to a low dose of magic mushrooms. Sometimes I heard strange, inexplicable distortions of sounds. The first few times I said something about it. After that I knew it was kind of part of it.
The feeling... it's hard to describe. All three of us had some kind of glow in and around our bodies. It felt very strange, a bit unpleasant at first. Only when we were really tripping did the feeling become comfortable, before that it was a bit strange. Must have had something to do with the nervousness. Visually it was not as intense as other trips I've experienced, but the feeling was very intense. Sometimes it was so overwhelming and your thoughts went from hot to cold. In a conversation you sometimes said random things because your head just drifted off. At one point I had to lie down and put my hands on my head. No impulses for a while. Just music and try to turn off your thoughts for a while.
What was very special (what we thought beforehand) was the last part of the trip. In the end it lasted about 9 hours. After about 7 hours of continuous tripping, it almost seemed like the things you saw became normal. It was very strange because at the same time you could tell you were still tripping. At the end of the trip, when it was a little less intense, we smoked a hash joint and looked out of the window, and the feeling suddenly became stronger again. Whether it had to do with the hash I don't know. It felt nice though.
How would you describe the trip overall?
We were very nervous. We've taken magic truffles, magic mushrooms and 2C-B before. This is a bit stronger. We were also very curious what it is like to trip longer than 3 to 4 hours. The trip was very intense. A bit of a rollercoaster. Fun, then overwhelming, then funny and sometimes a bit emotional. We had huge laughs over the stupidest things. Personally, I had a wonderful emotional moment. I had put on my LP of Pink Floyd and the others were smoking by the window on the other side of the room. I got a kind of emotional surge as I looked at the record player and the candle burning next to it. Suddenly a tear rolled down my face; that's how beautiful I thought it was. I felt intensely happy and the music had never sounded so beautiful. A very special, but beautiful moment.
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
Yes, definitely. Especially now that I know what to expect. I haven't done it since, but I will definitely do it again. Then we'll create an extra spiritual and chil set and setting and really make something of it.
Did you learn something from the trip?
Not in that sense. I did experience how such an intensely happy and emotional moment feels, that it makes you cry. Besides that just knowledge and experience about tripping on LSD. I didn't really have the enlightened feeling like I normally do. I think that was because it impressed me a lot. The nervousness costs energy, the long trip also. We were also indoors the whole trip. Only two times we went outside to smoke a cigarette and we went for a short walk around the block, but I found that very intense and felt more comfortable indoors.
>> LSA seeds have a similar effect. You can buy them here.
With the Gnomes in the Shed | A bag of dried Mexicana mushrooms (dried) and weed
Every two weeks my friends and I buy about 50 euros worth of weed together and spend a night in our good friend Ralf's garden shed. We then listen to Syd Barrett, a kind of early Pink Floyd and watch Jim Henson fantasy. This week, however, we decided to experimentally buy some magic mushrooms. We had never tried it before.
So here we are, enjoying our traditional bag of ganja, chewing on some dried mushrooms, waiting for the effects of the hallucination to begin. Waiting... waiting...
Okay, they didn't seem to be working. So I volunteered to take a few more. Fifteen minutes later, I could still only feel the effects of the weed and we were sure we'd been ripped off. Assholes.
Still, I thought they tasted good, so I chewed more and more until there was nothing left. At least I wasn't hungry anymore... There was also some weed left, so I took the liberty of taking another big puff from the bong.
I immediately got a tidal wave of thoughts in my head, which was actually quite scary. With every breath, the walls seemed to drop a few inches and the couch I was sitting on became more and more a part of my physical body - I couldn't move after twenty seconds.
This all came as a surprise, because I was pretty sure that hallucinogenic drugs like mushrooms take a while to build up in your system. So I decided to close my eyes, hoping that when I opened them again, everything would be back to normal. I can't tell you how long I kept my eyes closed, because time seemed quite distorted. At that point, I thought it must have been more than an hour, although it could have just been a few minutes. When I opened my eyes, I discovered that the wooden shed with little light had turned into a dark cave and that the identity of my friends had become unrecognizable, for they were now gnomes of 2 turfs tall. Pretty soon, I even forgot who I was, as my memory declined drastically, eventually leaving me with only a five-second memory.
I don't remember ever speaking to my companions, the gnomes. All I remember is trying to dig through walls, which appeared to be made of earth (but clearly were not). Of course, the reason I remembered this aspect of my hallucination may have been due to the fact that I had painfully bruised hands the next morning. It must have been quite something to look at.
>> Buying mushrooms is not allowed (anymore), but you can grow them yourself. Buy your Mexicana mushroom grow kit here.
I sat on that bench the whole time | 1,5 Pil 2C-B of 20-25 mg
Combined with alcohol.
Tell us about the course of the trip
A good friend of mine used to take 2C-B in a nightclub and I wanted to experience that too. I had eaten a lot before that night, but not after. I did drink beer before the trip. I took it in a dark club in Amsterdam. Loud music and sometimes flashing lights. The room was quite full and it was deep in the night, between 03.00 and 07.00 hours. I was quite nervous before I took the 2C-B. Never done it before with so many people around me in a club or at a party, but in the hours before the party I felt just fine. At the time I didn't know I was going to do it. It was honestly a spontaneous action. The idea was there and a little while later I took it. I had done 2C-B before, so you notice very well when it comes on. This time it was less obvious.
It felt very strange. I thought everyone saw the same as me, with highs and lows. One moment the intensity wasn't that bad and I was laughing and talking with the people next to me. The other moment everyone had a distorted head and I thought I was being awkward and walked away.
Then I kind of "woke up". Not literally, but I had a blackout for a moment I suspect. I was sitting on a bench and had no idea where I was in the club. This is strange because I had been there many times before and I know the club well. I couldn't read my phone very well and after half an hour in this situation I started to panic a little. When I got up to look for my friends, everything would spin and I had no idea where I was. There came a point where I wondered if I was still in the club, or if I wasn't actually sitting on a bench somewhere else or something. It became a little frightening.
After a while, I could read my phone. A good friend of mine had already texted where I was. I texted with him for over an hour trying to figure out where I was. He and another friend of mine were tripping themselves, but were still pretty much there. After sitting on that couch for over an hour and a half, I suddenly saw 2 smiling guys in the distance in front of me in the dark haze. They had found me.
I got up and suddenly I remembered exactly where I was. Turns out I was just sitting 3 feet away from the bar on the side of the room. Very close to where we normally always stand in that club. When I saw them I was very happy and immediately reassured. Suddenly I could see the club again and everything was fine. I was still tripping pretty hard; everywhere I could see the usual visual effects that you also see on shrooms, LSD or cacti. After dancing for a while I decided to go outside, because I was tired of the trip. Once outside I realized what exactly had happened.
How would you describe the trip overall?
You could call it a kind of bad trip. However, it was not very unpleasant. I didn't realize what had happened until later. It was mostly very strange and confusing. The best moment was when I 'came to myself' again and realized that I was just sitting on that bench we always dance next to. So strange that you don't realize it for an hour and a half.
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
I didn't feel relaxed at all the next day. I kept thinking back to the frightening moments at the beginning on that couch that I couldn't reach anyone and had no idea where I was. Only the next day did I label it as a bad trip. So no. Not much later I did it again and that didn't go well either. Not as intense as this trip, but again very confusing and not really nice.
Did you learn something from the trip?
I won't be tripping in a dark club with lots of people around me anymore. Not at all if I've been drinking before. Places that are too crowded are not suitable for tripping. Especially not if you have already been drinking. If you have no experience with a certain situation, don't do it. Spontaneous ideas are fun, but with psychedelics you have to watch out and not get carried away in the moment. That's exactly what liquor does to you. You are more inclined to take something that is not at all rational. I also learned that during such a bad trip moment you just have to stay calm. After a while it will go away.
>> 2C-B is a psychedelic designer drug. Read more about all types of drugs in this blog.
Ozzy Osbourne and the Smurfs | 1 stamp of LSD
One day my friends and I were chilling in front of the TV. Another buddy joined us and took LSD. It was my first time trying it. We thought it would be a great idea to put on the Smurfs.
About 2 hours later I was stretched out on the couch until suddenly one of those blue rascals jumps out of the TV, walks towards the door and pulls it shut behind him. I asked someone if they had seen it and said I was tripping. "No, I mean it! I really saw it!"
Puzzled, I walked into the other room to see what the others were doing. One of the guys was sitting on a bed and said in a vacuum, "Oh yeah, how was that bat?" "Oh that's cool." I said, "Who are you talking to?" "Dude, you should hear this. I'm talking to Ozzy". I burst out laughing and said I was going outside to see what that smurf was going to do. All that followed was a stupid "Huh" and I only laughed harder.
The wrong question | 2 grams of McKennaii magic mushrooms (dried)
At the end of the trip a debriefing over a few beers.
Tell us about the course of the trip
This was a trip I was on during a difficult time in my life. I was visiting a friend. I needed to do that because my wife and I were having problems in our marriage. Being away from it all made me feel calm, secure and safe.
Prior to the trip, I took a question into my head. "Does she still love me?" My friend the tripsitter sat passively by most of the time so I could go into my own little world. It was afternoon and we were watching TV. Beforehand I had not eaten for 3 hours according to the book.
When the trip started, I slowly found the TV program much funnier. It was a documentary and I noticed that the head of one of the people on TV was bright neon green. And when I noticed that, it suddenly turned pink.
How would you describe the trip overall?
Educational and a tad emotional. Especially afterwards. I remember well that I had an "aha" moment.
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
Yes, but not without purpose. Only when I see the need again.
Did you learn something from the trip?
Afterwards, over a beer, we discussed the trip. I felt relieved and became more direct in my communication especially the next day. I said more what I thought without filtering first. Funnily enough, that helped me more than you might think as you read this.
The questioning I had at the beginning was not right. What does it matter if she still loves me? Do I still love her? That was a resounding yes, accompanied by a few tears. I made that clear to her afterwards and I fought for her. We are still together and we are stronger than ever.
>> Want to buy a McKennaii growing kit? Order it at Dutch-Headshop!
A verdant micro holiday | 15 grams of Odin’s Jewels magic truffels (fresh)
Alone in the woods, looking for creativity.
Tell us about the course of the trip
As a creator, I too sometimes get stuck. Writer's block is a well-known phenomenon. Truffles or magic mushrooms can loosen it up a bit or show a different approach. That was the purpose of the trip: "more creativity please". I was alone in the forest on a rainy day. Rain does not bother me, as long as I am dressed for it. I was a little tired, but felt pretty comfortable and good. I was two hours sober - as in: I hadn't eaten.
I was sitting on a tree trunk, hidden from the trails that crisscross the Dutch forests. The smells in the forest became particularly intense. I began to yawn enormously and wanted to sleep. I also became a bit excited. The forest felt more alive. Insects stood out, the moss was brighter green, and trees seemed to move more because of the wind than they probably really did. It was magically beautiful.
How would you describe the trip overall?
Exciting, liberating, fun and amazing. Especially that I suddenly had a lot of inspiration. I felt like painting. But that wasn't the point, truffles! I wanted to write!
Would you like to have that kind of experience again?
Gladly, this was really awesome. Especially the feeling of being one with the forest was fantastic. I remember it so well, it seems like it happened yesterday.
Did you learn something from the trip?
Funnily enough, I had less inspiration afterwards than during the trip. It felt like a micro-vacation that will stay with me for life.